Monday, July 28, 2014

Fear-less in Cleveland!❤️

I actually made myself laugh this morning… yes, out loud!
I had so many excuses not to run... Up before the sun... Well, there was no sun... But up early. Running gear clean, folded and layed out, like a soilder ready for battle... My Brooks running shoes standing at the ready, socks already in them for gosh sakes. How easy could this be. No problem… I got this...out of bed, check! Slept great, check! Felt great, check!

Stood at the door accessing my need for another layer... And with that, I had paused just long enough to think... Agh!!! No thinking!!!
Sometimes you have to just do… Don't think about it.
Hmm. Rain... 
Ok, this photo may be a bit dramatic...but what if...

Don't get me wrong, I love rain... I walk in rain, run in rain, swim in rain, lay in bed in the rain, read a book in the rain… it's just rain!

As a little girl I would sit in the middle of my driveway and wait for the rain... I would search out my Dads huge Nike golf umbrella, you know, the humassive red and white striped one... (The same one I used to jump off the picnic table with and hold my breath because I was sure it would help me fly…) Thanks Mary Poppins! boo!
I would sit and see how long I could keep the spot I was in on the driveway dry, huddled under my make-shift tent, knees pulled to my chest, making myself as small as I could while watching the water soak the cement as it came closer and closer in to me Then, when the driveway was completely wet, I would move to the curb and sit to see how high the water would come up on my ankles. I watched in the gutter while all sorts of interesting little things floated by in that little river. So you see, I like rain.

What I don't like is the wind... And it was windy... I've been about six feet from a lightening strike that hit my house (not fun) and have had more than my fair share of trees fall on my little country house. So wind? Eek! It sounded like a good excuse...

This was me being a whimp... A sissy… Really, what were the chances I wouldn't be safe... And I really wanted to run. And I really want someone else to make me coffee:) I run for Starbucks!

So, I got up and got out...
And instead of starting out slowly... I dove into my run with my ITunes set on Fort Miners "Remember the name" I figured at least if I was gonna get taken out by a storm, this would be a fitting tribute song! 

So I ran... It sprinkled... The wind blew and I ran... And walked... And stopped at Starbucks to reward my bravery. And I ran some more... 
At some point the sun even came out! I smiled and confirmed yet again that Perspective is so big, good or bad, the way we think is so important, that we can be afraid and go and do things anyway is so big! Keep doing what your unsure of…
Within reason... There is also a big difference in paying attention to your gut with things others do that don't feel good. That not what I'm talking about. That my friends is your gut telling you to run the other way!
I'm talking about not letting things hold you back. The more you do, the more sure you will be. Then uncertainty can bring you full circle and push you through to be brave.
Don't get up and look out the window or look at the weather and let other things outside of YOU dictate YOUR day! Not people, not circumstances. None of it! That's what you have to do living in Cleveland, we have to DO, no matter what the weather. You decide! My mom always told me "Don't let anyone get your day!" Or anything for that matter, you have choices, choose well. 

It's funny, as a child I was brave at some things... Like playing basketball with all the boys, I didn't care what they thought... I played and I loved it. Even when they called me names because I got glasses and they said I couldn't play anymore... I still played! They called me "Four eyes" I was crushed... I still played! Little did I know years later they would be begging me to do everything!

At some point I got afraid. There were times when I was little I couldn't even ask for more ketchup for my french fries. It didn't help being mocked by my big sister with her constant rant of "You're such a baby!" What a meany!
I started to believe it. I started to be the girl that dipped her toe in. Without even realizing it I was letting other things and other people get my day!
Well, not anymore!
Now? Get outta my way cause I'm gonna do the best cannonball off the high dive! No more toe dipping! I try my best to be brave... My boys help with that...
This motivates me....
 I want them to be brave and strong so as a mom, I have no choice anymore than to set an example of what that really means!
Be silly!
Be brave with me!

Get up and get out!
This is a glorious day, no matter what!
All my best,
Celeste xo 

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