Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jump into liquid...

So you heard it a hundred times from your mom... And you were probably  surprised when it slipped out of your mouth as you explained to your kids about life...

"If your friends all jumped off a cliff, does that mean you would do it too?" Normally I would hope or expect my kids to say "No way!'
Um... After today my answer is "Hell yes, jump!"
And I would expect nothing less from my boys.

Let's back up a bit…last week Dylan (15) called and asked to go with a group of kids to "swim" a bunch of boys… in a quarry. Hmm, I wasn't feeling it. To be honest a story flew into my head about a boy swimming in a abandon area, going under, getting caught on a fence under water and never being seen again. Deep breath… am I going to let my fear of what may happen squelch some life altering adventure for my son? Was I scared to pieces when he said "Can I go to a quarry and swim?" Yes. Did I ask a ton of questions? Yes. Did I let him go? Yes.
 It's tough as parents to let kids do adventurous things. But it's all part of letting them go a bit and letting them mature and grow up. And maybe even make mistakes... And learn.
This is what the quarry looks like empty!

My Dylan is usually extremely responsible. So I trusted him. He vowed to check it out and check in with me. And he did. He followed through, checked in with me and did everything as asked. That my friends, is how you build trust. And I am so proud of that, proud that at 15 he gets it. I could feel unsure about him doing something at first and by him showing me I could trust him and by him following through on his words by his actions I felt totally at ease and secure with my choice to let him go and never thought or worried at all while he was gone. I trusted him and he earned my trust!

When he came home he was floating on a cloud of adrenalin. I thought "This is exactly the kind of high I want me kids to know." A natural self induced rush from adventure and accomplishment! Not some false substance induced high.
It turned out that along with "swimming" there was some cliff jumping that went on... That is where I didn't mind a lack of comunication and was happy that I didn't know that part until Dylan was standing Infront of me, safe.
So when he asked to take ME to see him cliff jump, of course I said "Yes!" And immediately grabbed for the good camera and towels.
Little did I know what I was getting into...
So we parked...got out... Walked to a gate. There were no "No swimming" signs and no "No trespassing" signs so we walked on. Dylan was so excited he could hardly wait, but he did. He waited patiently for me and asked if I needed help with my camera or anything else. Yes, I know... He's a keeper.
So we were off...

Walked for a bit and came to a clearing and Dylan shouted "This is it!" My heart sank. I thought, "There is no way my Ryan at eleven years old is going to do this"... Even with a life jacket." It was a looonnggg way down... Way higher than the high dive and totally unknown territory under the water. Must be 30-40 feet down. I took a deep breath. Asked more questions to make sure this was the exact spot a few gazillion kids had jumped before.
Steep climb to jump again!

So with life jackets on, Dylan paced back and forth a few times and than screamed "Here goes nothing!" This is one of those moments you see your kids nature in it's most raw state... Dylan hit the water with lightening speed, popped to the surface as he screamed "That's a long a$$ drop!" "Jump, Ryan!"

Ryan was next up... He looked at me and said "How brave is this, mom?" I told him that it is one of the bravest things I had ever seen his brother willfully do. 
That's all took... Ryan backed up and was off the cliff on the count of two before I could even count to three! Popped to the surface laughing and swimming towards his brother shouting "Oh my God, that was awesome!" And "Let's do it again!"

That's when I realized I should of brought my suit! Next warm day... My turn!

What an amazing day! A sure fire way to advocate team building and overcoming fear in a controlled environment. So pleased to see my two boys who fight like brothers, fist bumping and cheering eachother on. They helped eachother and cared for eachother and that made me smile!!!
So get up and get out! Find things that challenge you and your kids to go outside of their comfort zone. Life is not always comfortable. But if we choose to experience fear and challenge ourselves in a somewhat controlled way... When life throws you a curve ball, you will be able to dig in and crack that sucker out of the park! I hope when my boys face any adversity they will think to themselves "I got this... Heck, I jumped off a humassive cliff!"

Days later my boys are still bubbling with excitement!
Our day ended with the best fries in town at Hotdog heaven.

Get up and get out!
Find your adventure and breathe deep! 
And as Mark Twain stated so well...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
If you need some motivation to inspire you, this book is a fabulous place to start! Full of greatness! I must have picked it up to read a hundred times!

Enjoy this glorious day!
All my best,
Celeste xo
Celeste m. Music cafe: of course... 
We own it!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Fear-less in Cleveland!❤️

I actually made myself laugh this morning… yes, out loud!
I had so many excuses not to run... Up before the sun... Well, there was no sun... But up early. Running gear clean, folded and layed out, like a soilder ready for battle... My Brooks running shoes standing at the ready, socks already in them for gosh sakes. How easy could this be. No problem… I got this...out of bed, check! Slept great, check! Felt great, check!

Stood at the door accessing my need for another layer... And with that, I had paused just long enough to think... Agh!!! No thinking!!!
Sometimes you have to just do… Don't think about it.
Hmm. Rain... 
Ok, this photo may be a bit dramatic...but what if...

Don't get me wrong, I love rain... I walk in rain, run in rain, swim in rain, lay in bed in the rain, read a book in the rain… it's just rain!

As a little girl I would sit in the middle of my driveway and wait for the rain... I would search out my Dads huge Nike golf umbrella, you know, the humassive red and white striped one... (The same one I used to jump off the picnic table with and hold my breath because I was sure it would help me fly…) Thanks Mary Poppins! boo!
I would sit and see how long I could keep the spot I was in on the driveway dry, huddled under my make-shift tent, knees pulled to my chest, making myself as small as I could while watching the water soak the cement as it came closer and closer in to me Then, when the driveway was completely wet, I would move to the curb and sit to see how high the water would come up on my ankles. I watched in the gutter while all sorts of interesting little things floated by in that little river. So you see, I like rain.

What I don't like is the wind... And it was windy... I've been about six feet from a lightening strike that hit my house (not fun) and have had more than my fair share of trees fall on my little country house. So wind? Eek! It sounded like a good excuse...

This was me being a whimp... A sissy… Really, what were the chances I wouldn't be safe... And I really wanted to run. And I really want someone else to make me coffee:) I run for Starbucks!

So, I got up and got out...
And instead of starting out slowly... I dove into my run with my ITunes set on Fort Miners "Remember the name" I figured at least if I was gonna get taken out by a storm, this would be a fitting tribute song! 

So I ran... It sprinkled... The wind blew and I ran... And walked... And stopped at Starbucks to reward my bravery. And I ran some more... 
At some point the sun even came out! I smiled and confirmed yet again that Perspective is so big, good or bad, the way we think is so important, that we can be afraid and go and do things anyway is so big! Keep doing what your unsure of…
Within reason... There is also a big difference in paying attention to your gut with things others do that don't feel good. That not what I'm talking about. That my friends is your gut telling you to run the other way!
I'm talking about not letting things hold you back. The more you do, the more sure you will be. Then uncertainty can bring you full circle and push you through to be brave.
Don't get up and look out the window or look at the weather and let other things outside of YOU dictate YOUR day! Not people, not circumstances. None of it! That's what you have to do living in Cleveland, we have to DO, no matter what the weather. You decide! My mom always told me "Don't let anyone get your day!" Or anything for that matter, you have choices, choose well. 

It's funny, as a child I was brave at some things... Like playing basketball with all the boys, I didn't care what they thought... I played and I loved it. Even when they called me names because I got glasses and they said I couldn't play anymore... I still played! They called me "Four eyes" I was crushed... I still played! Little did I know years later they would be begging me to do everything!

At some point I got afraid. There were times when I was little I couldn't even ask for more ketchup for my french fries. It didn't help being mocked by my big sister with her constant rant of "You're such a baby!" What a meany!
I started to believe it. I started to be the girl that dipped her toe in. Without even realizing it I was letting other things and other people get my day!
Well, not anymore!
Now? Get outta my way cause I'm gonna do the best cannonball off the high dive! No more toe dipping! I try my best to be brave... My boys help with that...
This motivates me....
 I want them to be brave and strong so as a mom, I have no choice anymore than to set an example of what that really means!
Be silly!
Be brave with me!

Get up and get out!
This is a glorious day, no matter what!
All my best,
Celeste xo 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"But what if I don't want to!"

"But what if I don't want to!"

I usually wake each day, open my eyes and breathe a sigh of gratitude. It doesn't matter if it's sunny, rainy or snow...
I open my eyes and think... I'm so happy to be free! Free to chose my day, free to choose who I let into my life. Proud of myself because I am strong and aware of things and people that are detrimental to me and I have the strength and power to choose to eliminate them from effecting me. Happy to be healthy and capable. And totally excited about life, knowing the best is yet to come!

Today I woke early, as usual... Sun is just coming up... Wide awake and completely rested. I stretched... And thought about running... I contemplated about my running things... It had been a few days since I ran... Was it all clean? Would I be able to find it all without waking everyone and could I sneak out before they all woke up? It was a yes to all... There wasn't any excuse that I could convince myself of to stay in bed. So I got up... Found everything in it's place, even my ear buds were hanging in the right spot (they get borrowed a lot).

What I thought was going to be a cool 60 ish kinda morning, turned out to be the perfect temp. 
The moment I opened my front door I knew I made a good choice to run... it's always a good choice... No matter what.
So why do I always have to contemplate it? 

Well, as grateful as I usually am, I got my wake up, reminder.
I stood outside of my Starbucks... We all have one:) it's whatever one is closest to you! I'm lucky to have mine a fifteen minute walk to Crocker Park from my house. So I stood there... As I stood there I couldn't help but notice an elderly man sitting with his car door open. My gut instinct was to ask if he was ok... He was only a few feet from me and I then realized he was in handicap parking. So I gave him a minute. He seemed out of breath... The same breath we so easily push in and out of our lungs everyday without a thought. He was taking a break. He had just wrestled his walker from the car and was contemplating wether to get out or not. I kept thinking I should ask if he needed help. But something in me said he may not be happy about needing help. So before I could ask, he propped himself up on his walker was up the curb heading toward me. I smiled and wished him a good morning. 

And then it happened...
He said it.... He said " Beautiful day for a run, huh!"
Ugh... Before I knew it I had answered "It sure is" with a smile... Feeling not so good about what I just witnessed and my quick, perky response because I could see in his eyes as he glanced at my running shoes with a smile that he remembered those days like they were yesterday... 

Little did he know... His effort and determination just to get out of his car for coffee this morning has inspired me to be even more grateful. To not want to lay in bed and contemplate my run... To lay my clothes out the night before... To not make any excuses for myself and to be grateful for every breath. He could of stayed in bed... Hell, he could of gone two blocks down the road and gone to the drive-thru Starbucks! He didn't. He got up, got out and that's what life's about...
No matter what, get up and get out!
I hope no matter what is going on in your life that you will get up and get out. Especially in our beautiful city! Cleveland has a gorgeous season of incredible weather. And most of the time your perspective from your window inside is far different than your perspective outside. Get some fresh air... Things look and feel so much better when you are outside!

Enjoy this glorious day!

P.s. Thank you kind lady at Starbucks for loaning me fifty cents... Mine fell out of my pocket while running!:0
New music: from Nate Jones

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cleveland love!❤️

So after everyone finally decided to wake up on this gorgeous Sunday afternoon... (Life is rough when you're a teenager)
It was too late for the Art museum, the car museum was closed... And the boys and I were getting antsy.
So of course we started off by going online to www.thisiscleveland.com to find all the latest updates on fun things to do in Cleveland! So many fun things to choose from...
I just decided the plan was...no plan... We headed towards Downtown Cleveland from Westlake jamming to the Kongos "Come with me now!" (See below for link to song)
Windows down, sunroof open and open minded for our adventure to unfold.
There is one place I've been dying to go, it was a little French shop called Coquette Patisserie. 


And they were closing in about a half an hour... So with that in mind we headed out and said... "If they are open we go, if they are closed, we don't!" Gotta roll with it!
The good news was we found it, no problem. The other good news was we still had 10 minutes until they closed... So we ran for the door.
Then the bad news... The look on my sons face as he yanked the door... Locked... Phooey! Were we too late? Um, yes... Like a day too late. Apparently they did post they were closed for a French holiday on Facebook but we called the shop and the message said open Sunday until 5. Moving on...

 Disappointed we caught a second wind when we spotted 
Mi Pueblo http://mipueblocleveland.com/zgrid/proc/site/sitep.jsp
just a few doors down. Yes, please! Fresh, fresh, fresh... Salsa and chips...
I'm always a sucker for a pickled something or other, so I was delighted at the sight of the thinly sliced real pickled carrots... (No baby carrots) yuck.
The boys ordered quesadilla and I ordered the carna asada... A perfect meal from the fresh salsa to the perfectly seasoned flank steak and guacamole. Now we just have to go back for margaritas and my favorite, tres leche cake!

Next we wandered back toward the closed bakery to peek inside a little ice cream shop... Serendipity was our best friend today... We had stumbled across the most wonderful ice cream I have ever had in my life. 


Trust and believe, I have had my fair share of cold confectionary delights from Ohio to Italy and back...
This my friends, is hands down worth the drive no matter where you are. My Ryan got the mint chocolate chip. Made with fresh mint and tiny chocolate chips... That child kept saying he had never seen so many little chips before. The portion sizes were great and my salted Caramel,  already devine was pushed over the top by an added topping of... 
Drumroll please...macaroons! I died. Get the paddles... 
I was so inthralled with watching them concoct the liquid nitrogen delights that I have no idea what flavor my sweet Dylan got... But he was so pleased I don't think he spoke a word the whole time we were there. He just savored every spoonful.
The girls behind the counter worked hard to make sure our experience was perfect and we floated out on a puff of liquid nitro vapor and vowed to be back and tell everyone we knew. It's that good, go... And go often!❤️
 They even took the time to plug the little bakery next door that was closed and told us to make a trip back to see them... We will!

Now what to do with two boys hopped up on liquid nitro ice cream...
How about a romp around Wade Oval! They were less then thrilled... That soon turned into jumping, skipping and parkouring off of every surface... In awe of the architecture of our beautiful city, they loved every minute of it!
 It was peaceful... They were like two adventurers who had come across uncharted territory. The best, being that they were having so much fun they almost forgot they were brothers and were suppose to not get along. They laughed and ran and jumped only pausing long enough to ask why all the statues private parts were all exposed... Lol! Then they ran some more!

And finally, no perfect day ever ends for me without a trip to the lake and the beach that we are so blessed to live near. Again what started as a "Can't we just go home." (Video games were waiting for them... Ugh!) ended in a frenzy of clothes whirling off, hopping on one foot to get the shoes off, pleading of a can we swim dance... "Of course you can! It's summer!" 
Lake Erie

Photos: celeste m. Photography
What a wonderful Sunday funday with my boys!
I hope you will take the time to get out in our beautiful city of Cleveland Ohio and pretend you are a tourist in your town! So much beauty to see and fun to be had!
All my best,
Kongos "Come with me now!"