It is hard enough to stay on track with being healthy the rest of the year let alone during the holidays when food is a for-front and sweet temptation is at every turn. Don't beat yourself up, think of it as a small chuck hole in the road, fill it with asphalt and steam roll over it!
Getting back on track is all about choices and little changes that make a huge impact on your health. We call them little victories:)
Let's say you are the half-n-half-and-sugar-with-just-a-hint-of-coffee type of coffee drinker ... not mentioning any names, like mine. OK, it was me. Up until about a year ago my morning cup of Joe was packed with fat, calories and sugar. Than I decided to do a little detox.
I came to realize that everything is about little steps and doing something until you get used to it. I am now the cup of Joe with skim milk and no sugar girl. Who knew I could do it. Even if you just do it for a week, I promise you, you will be able to do it for another week, and so on.
A year later, week by week, I added cinnamon, clove, vanilla and even cardamom in my coffee to excite the taste without adding any sugar or fat. Not to mention the health benefit of those spices to boot:)
Here are a few other ideas that are worth sharing.
Would you rather eat bread or cake? Skip the bread basket at all costs. If you know you are going to be dining out and let's say you are hungry before you even venture out the door, eat an apple or a handful of almonds to keep your blood sugar from crashing and you from diving into the bread basket head first. Almonds and apples hang out in your tummy and curb that feeling of hunger until you can eat good food.
Dont skip breakfast ... I am guilty of this one. A cup of coffee is what I crave in the morning, but I find that if I can at least get protein, like eggs, even if you are on the go, grab a yogurt, oatmeal, fruit or a hard-boiled egg to jump-start your metabolism. When you don't feed your body it panics and holds on to fat because it's afraid you aren't going to fuel the furnace.
Always carry water, nuts, fruit, quick snack bars like Luna bars and good food with you. Pack a cooler or throw a few things in your bag. It never fails that I am hungry in line to pick up the boys or when running from one sport to another. If you don't plan ahead you will find yourself eating things you would rather not.
When ordering your food, have it your way ... you are paying for it, so if you want dressing on the side or broiled instead of fried, ask for it. Dont let your others be in control over what you eat. Ask questions, servers are usually very helpful at making your meal heathier.
Find a good protein shake ... they are great when you need some fuel but don't have time for a meal. I like Jarrow french vanilla whey protein shake. I add a scoup of peanut butter, a banana or a handful of nuts sometimes to keep it exciting. You can also add chocolate syrup for a treat. I have tried them all. This one my kids love and will drink with crushed ice as a "milk shake."
Eat on a smaller plate.
Take one scoup or small portion of food and know you can come back for more if you really want. Nine out of ten times I am good with the first scoup.
Fill your dish in the kitchen and then go to the table. You are less likely to get up and refill but more likely to hang out around the table and talk. Make a point to eat as a family.
Read portion sizes and put them in a small cup. If you take the whole bag and sit infront of the TV you have no idea how much you have eaten. Don't deny yourself, just control the amount you have.
Set a reminder to drink more water:) A water meeting. Everyone has a alarm on their phone ... use it!
Exercise. Even a ten-minute walk to start or a mile run is better than not doing it.
I hope these tips will help you feel happier about how you care for yourself. It's all about little victories! Treat yourself well:)
Enjoy this glorious day!
celeste m. designs
celeste m. photography
Great foods that naturally clean your body inside and make you shine outside!
Fresh Fruits:
Kiwi (2), watermelon (1 cup), papaya (1 cup), grapefruit (one half), and dates. Thoroughly wash all produce.
Amount: Eat up to two fruit servings and two Medjool dates per day. Any more than that and you could get gassy.
Artichokes, fennel, beets, greens (especially dandelion), hot peppers, cucumbers, bean or broccoli sprouts, broccoli, garlic, and leeks.
Amount: Unlimited.
Black rice (has anti-inflammatory properties) and red quinoa.
Amount: Eat one half cup of either choice per day.
Avocado (one half), coconut milk (1/2 cup), or walnuts (8). Remember, we’re trying to give our digestive system a rest from working so hard, so don’t go overboard on the nuts, even though they’re small and delicious.
Amount: Eat one serving of one choice per day.
Wild salmon (serving size of toilet paper roll without paper), omega-3 eggs (2), or Nutiva hemp protein (2 Tbsp). Blend Nutiva with fruit (above) and one of the beverages (below), or just with avocado and fruit.
Amount: Eat one serving of one choice per day.
Extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil for cooking; avocado oil or walnut oil for salads.
Amount: 2 Tbsp per day for cooking; same for salads.
Apple cider vinegar, chili powder, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, fresh herbs (especially parsley), limited amounts of raw honey or maple syrup (1 tsp per day).
Water, dandelion leaf tea, fennel tea, detox tea, green tea, or white tea.
Amount: At least two cups dandelion or detox tea per day. At least eight full glasses of water per day.
Exciting Extras:
1 Tbsp E3Live with 1 cup water before eating in the morning. Natural Calm in the evening. E3Live is an algae that’s loaded with B vitamins and is great for energy. Natural Calm is a powdered magnesium for the stressed-out that calms you down at the end of the day.
What to Avoid:
Sugar and artificial sweeteners, dairy products, wheat, caffeinated beverages (except green tea), alcohol, food additives, and preservatives.
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