We are all in on this you have either been the person waiting for them to park or the person flustered trying to parallel park their car...
I have seen countless people back in and out of a parking spot only to go nowhere as if they were swimming laps in a one way pool. I said out loud to my son "This is like watching the salmon run"
I have actually tried to save drivers and offered my assistance to a young gentleman once who was so red in the face and looking for a life raft as if drowning at sea, mortified at his inability to park his car in the only spot left for miles. Meanwhile his date is embarrassed and trying to hide on the floor under the dash or wish herself invisible.
So this is my good deed of the day after sitting waiting for my carry out. I watch several people attempt over and over to parrallel park to run in and get their carry out. It became a game between my son and I just to see how many times they would pull forward and back up and how many turns it took them before they actually got in the spot only to realize they were still three feet from the curb.
Here is visual aid...
I can't take credit for my parallel parking skills. I owe every ounce of my parallel parking to my mother as she bestowed to me this gift and it has my boys in awe that their Mom can not only parallel park but she does it with only one turn. They think I'm super human. Shhhh... Let keeps this between us:)
Here is the magic...
I have witnessed so many people struggle with this driving skill so this is my public service announcement.
I look forward to seeing everyone parallel park with confidence... It's the first of many steps towards World peace!
Your Welcome!
Enjoy this glorious day!
️xo celeste
I am always so proud of myself when I can park as if I have done the five mile and won.