Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Finish Line Feeling!

Holy shit!
Sorry, but yes that's how I feel! I just read the best book! My heart is still pounding in my chest, my cheeks are wet with streaming tears, my arms and the back of my neck are exhausted from experiencing the constant waves of goosebumps and my stomach is full of butterflies. all anxiously awaiting the sunrise, with the anticipation of a glorious run. When is the last time a book made you feel like that?

Inspiration? That's a vast understatement! I feel as if I just saw "Rocky" for the first time! And I want to run those steps and scream "Yo Adrian!"
I feel exhausted, yet energized all at the same time closing the last page of what is now my favorite book of the summer. 
"Finish Line Feeling" by Liz Ferro.

celeste m. photo

am so happy that I decided to put aside a "New York Times Best Seller" I was reading, to read Liz's book... It was a great choice for sure considering I was having a tough time getting into that one, and couldn't put Liz's book down!

Side note:
On the heels of such a great loss as  Robin Williams tragic suicide yesterday, just having ended this amazing book of perseverance somehow has even more meaning to me... As my mom would say "There are no coincidences!" 
What Liz does is so important instilling a sense of worth to those girls who would otherwise feel worthless.

*Right before I turned my reading light off I noticed it made a heart on my book! Hearts find me...

Having struggled with numerous suicide attempts as well as bouts of self loathing and to overcome that, and so much more, speaks volumes of the triumphant character that Liz has achieved. How she is able to fight for her life when it seems as if cement cinder blocks were chained to her ankles, pulling her to the murky depths of the water as she swam, is a testament to her mind over matter.

Liz shows off her guns, her outer strength egging on her mind to keep up...

I am all about girl power and it turnes out coincidentally I have a dear group of women who I have affectionately called my "Soul Sisters" for about the last four years. These are girls that I hold near and dear to my heart much like Liz feels about her "Girls With Sole"

I'm looking forward to sharing this book with my group of soul sisters, it would be a great book group read!
Just reading the forward made me want to throw on my running shoes and swim suit to jump and dive right into this book!

Below Liz helps one of her girls complete her first 5k!

Liz writes in a way that makes her so relatable... She talked about her Hero as a little girl... I too was never interested in being one of "Charlie's Angels" what the heck did they need him for anyway? Right? Lol. And John Bosley couldn't find his way out of a paper bag with a GPS!
I had my sights on bigger fish, I think I wore out my bionic women Halloween costume through an entire summer and a ahem... The bionic man/six million dollar man was pretty easy on the eyes, if ya catch my drift!

Liz was featured on the "Hope to it" segment of the Today show!
The link is at the bottom of the page...

I am not a girl who has a ton of time to read (soccer mom's are always kicking it) but I plowed through Liz's book in a few days and found myself looking for every opportunity to read it. Liz had me laughing out loud with her whitty commentary, (for the record I strongly dislike the word cul de sac... You guys will understand after you read the book)
Wincing at her reality and sobbing at her heartbreak. Her book is full of excitement, adventure and soul searching with accounts of what it is like to face abuse and your fears even if it means the fear of yourself. And even a few pants pooping shenanigans just for good measure! Lol.

You are the only one who can fix your broken parts. People can help you if you can be real with yourself but life is Mano e Mano, just you and yourself. Liz shows us how sports and fitness helped save her life and how they can save anothers life, she instills that in her amazing girls program "Girls With Sole."

Liz as a young girl... Her constant uniform... Svim-vear!

She is a champion at life at a champion for all she blesses with her inspiration and drive to make herself better and in turn everyone around her!

Liz getting her "Finish Line Feeling" on!

She illuminates from her effervescent personality, and to watch her excitement for what she does is contagious! There was a point when I met her that she was talking to her girls and she was so elated for them to try paddle boarding that she was up on her tippy-toes as if she was full of helium and might just take flight.

If there is one book you read this summer that you will change you and you will close the last page with a list of friends in mind, this is it... Trust me they will all thank you!
Above Liz helps one of her girls set out to paddle board at edgewater beach in the Cleveland Metroparks.

How I met Liz...
A few weeks ago I met Liz Ferro. Liz is the founder of a truly inspirational organization called "Girl With Sole"
We met in Cleveland, Ohio at Edgewater beach. I was asked by my "Soul Sister" and dear yogi/paddle board instructor/friend (she has lots of titles) Lori Palmer to volunteer my time to help her and our fellow friend and paddle board instructor Jim. http://alohasupoh.com

We were brought together to represent Lake Erie Paddler along with several other SUP companies by our mutual friend Diana Black (pictured below left helping one of the girls get out to paddle)
(Also pictured far right Lori Palmer)

We were asked to donate our time and expertise (our owner Jim Lawhead donated the equipment) to teach a large group of 30+ girls and a few boys to learn how to paddle board for the first time.
Lori sent me an email explaining the cause and as soon as I heard two words "Empowering girls" I was all in. It was such a memorable experience, one I will not soon forget...
Here we all are!

I hope you will join me in support of one of our very own Cleveland soul sisters...
Read her story, volunteer, donate or whatever you can do to offer a hand or a heart to this life changing group that helps abused and less fortunate girls. Without people like you, they don't stand a fighting chance to cross the finish line with their arms high over head, full of positive vibes as they experience their "Finish Line Feeling!"
Get up and get out!
Enjoy this glorious day!
All my best,
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