Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Losing it...

We have all been there, you get somewhere and one of the kids left something at home, at school at the soccer field. Well, don't freak out, losing it on your children is SO bad for their self-esteem and let's be honest, when you freak on your kids in public, you look totally crazy! So stop yelling at your kids, there is a helpful solution.
As parents, up to a certain age, we do EvErYtHiNg for our kids, right? Right! We are good parents, organized, conscientious, and vigilant. We run around with diaper bags and then sports bags.
But at some point, we do our children a great disservice. We neglect to make them responsible.
Here is an example:
The call comes from the irresponsible child's teacher, "so and so forgot his glasses and can't read the board." Super mom throws on her cape and jolts out the door to save the day!
Next day: The call from the teacher... "So and so forgot his classes again:/" Super mom throws her cape on again and rushes to her poor child's aid once again.
If super mom keeps rushing to this childs aid, when does the child learn to be responsible?
First time, okay he just got the glass, second time, okay he is forgetful...
Third time mom asks to speak to the child...
Mom explains to the child, that from now on IF he forgets his glasses he will have to ask the teacher to give him a desk in the front of the room so he can see the board. Ah! The child is uncomfortable with that suggestion. BUT, NEVER forgets his glasses again! Success! The child was held responsible for HIS belongings. And realized he would be uncomfortable if he didn't take responsibility for himself.
Moral is: We all love responsible people, they make everyone's life easier. And they are happier then their irresponsible friends. Teach your children to be in charge of themselves and you make the world a better place for everyone. So, for all of our sake, step away from the flipping soccer bag and help make these these wonderful children responsible instead of enabling them to be irresponsible then bashing them for it. Start giving them praise for the amazingly responsible sweet little people they are!❤
Have a glorious day!

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