Yes, I do look and feel like this many mornings:)
I was reminded this morning that a good part of stress in our lives (we are in this together, right?) comes from many cases of just not being prepared. I know what your thinking, "who me?" "yes, you!" and me:) Being organized feels so good. And although we realize this, there are those things that never seem to get done. So as I clean out my car of used baby wipes and a cereal bowl... Yes, a cereal bowl. I think this may be a good time to share a few helpful tips I have learned along the way that keep me from being the hair on fire lady in this three ring circus. These things make me happy, my kids happy and keeps our stress level in check:)
First there is the get up early thing. My kids don't like to get up early but if they do, it's an easier start.
Then there is the pack the lunch the night before... Let them do it... Yes, your eight year old can spread peanut-butter without causing a national security crisis!
I did not make this lunch, but it is cute!
Laying out the clothes the night before. If they like to dress themselves this gives you a less stressful time to debate and help them. I have lost the battle of blue goes with blue and black with black... The eight year old is a free spirit and rarely matches. *cringe
Next there is the "I forgot to brush" or as you pull into the school lot you realize your child resembles a short unicorn with freckles... Otherwise known as bed-head! We know, you told him seven times to wet his hair down:)
No more kitty breath!
This is where the car kit comes in handy.
A travel toothbrush and paste
Baby wipes
Bottled water
Extra lunch money
I am sure you smarter moms have a few to add, but these have kept me sane.
Baby wipes will fix many a stressful thing... Wash many faces, cure a good case of bed-head, clean a muddy soccer shoe, clean your car while you wait in the pick up line and sop up milk that your child has just poured down himself... Yes, he ate cereal in the car.
I have also found that In the rare case that you are on your way out the door and your child, or mine... Ok, let's say mine, informs you that they forgot to eat the breakfast you made... You go plan B. You grab the Pyrex measuring cup, fill it with cereal and milk and it becomes the perfect travel bowl...the handle fits right over their left hand and is secure for them to eat. Drinking? Whole other story... Certain children, not mentioning any names, probably yours... Ok, mine...don't drink well. *see baby wipes
Would you forget to eat if your Mom made you a breakfast like this? Me either... I didnt make this one:) It's pretty kids do get spoiled on the weekends!
We have brushed teeth in the car... See travel toothbrush. They actually think this one is cool. Just as you see the panic on their face of... I have to face people all day with kitty breath... You whip out the travel set... You are an instant super hero:) but remind them not to make it a habit by offering a repercussion. Dish duty, anyone?
Oh, no! Kitty breath!
And of course the, I forgot my lunch that was packed, I never packed it or I left my lunch money next to my toothbrush that I forgot to use. Alway keep some change for lunch money panic mode. Ok, once they asked for lunch money and I forgot but who's counting?
Most of all remember... We love these little and not so little (yes, he's taller than me) people. When we are more prepared we feel better and they feel better. But don't over do it! Roll with the punches and teach them that you will be late sometimes, you will forget things... That's life those things happen! Smile because you have so many things to be grateful, joyful and peaceful about.
Enjoy this Glorious day!
*you could live in Wyoming! If you do we are sorry for your weather:0